Two shout-outs are required to lead into this week’s entry.
First, to my friend Christina for introducing me to Pajiba.
And second, to Pajiba. Their regular feature “Hangover Theatre” is the inspiration for today’s entry, though I wasn‘t even remotely hung over while watching the movie.
The scene: some time in late 1994 or early 1995. I’m 12 years old and horsing around with some friends, an armament of Nerf guns, and unfamiliar surroundings. As always, it adds up to disaster when I crack the back of my head open on the edge of a mantle made of rock. So after a trip to the emergency room (no stitches needed, hurrah!), my friends and my concussed brain decide it’s a good idea to get a movie. We found one called Hellbound.
I have always had very strong memories of loving this movie. It’s not just a Chuck Norris classic, to my mind (which was concussed at the time of viewing), it’s THE Chuck Norris classic. My one great hope from all the “Chuck Norris Facts” and the ensuing resurrection of his popularity is that this classic piece of cinema would finally get a DVD release. A recent trip to a local cd shop answered my prayers when I found a Chuck Norris Triple Feature DVD featuring Hellbound.
Now, finally, more than 13 years after the original viewing, it‘s time for a repeat viewing. This is Hellbound.
OK, holy crap. That is one bad movie. I won’t even get into a full review here because I actually turned the movie off. Instead, I recommend you head out to your local film festival (Toronto and Calgary are both on now) and see something you normally wouldn’t. There’s no way it will be as bad as Hellbound.
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