Monday, December 13, 2010

Dear Lighting: worry about the fact your goalie gets beat like a rug, not about a spin move

One of the discussion items on TSN’s Off the Record today was Linus Omark’s shootout goal from the weekend.  The question asked if the goal was embarrassing for the NHL. 

I don’t want to put too fine a point on it, but let’s go with… no.

Absolutely not. 

Not in a million years could that goal be considered embarrassing to Omark, to the league, or to hockey in general.

The goal demonstrated an extraordinary amount of skill and is a much better way to put the NHL on Pardon the Interruption than anything Sean Avery has ever done.

Here in Canada, the goal inspired a Sports Centre Top 10. 

I was raised to like old time hockey, and Lord knows my dad would want to knock Omark on his ass for hot-dogging like that.  But he would never discount the skill Omark displayed.

The only people that have a problem with Omark’s spin move are the Tampa Bay Lightning and the dinosaurs that wish pre-lockout hockey would come back.

The only thing embarrassing about this goal is the way talking heads and writers seem to think it was so horrible.  Why would anyone watch a hockey game when the people that are supposed to sell the game never have anything good to say?

As I wrote earlier this season, it’s the skill that sucked me back in.  I love watching hockey.  I can be critical like anyone, but I can’t imagine criticizing a player or play for being too skillful.  The skill is what makes this game great, and anyone that has a problem with the skill should probably find another hobby.

(with thanks to BK for inspiration for the title)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Steve,

As a true hockey fan I have two things to say:

1) I hate shootouts! Hockey is a "Team" sport and to have the whole thing come down to one on one hockey is in no way a "Team" effort. Get rid of shootouts!

2) If we have to have shootouts, add some entertainment! While Omark may have been a bit of a "hotdog" with that move, it clearly does show his level of ingenuity and skill. People everywhere were talking about Omark's move and creating a news story about shootouts which, normally don't receive any type of coverage.
Cudos to him for his creativity!
