Monday, July 14, 2008

Take that you stupid bitch

Amazingly, that title is not directed toward any of my exes, currents, or potentials-that-spurned-me. Nope, that's all for Grey's Anatomy star Katherine Heigl. As reported oh-so long ago by the great WWTDD, this snotty little bitch refused to defend her reign over whatever hunk of plastic they give away to commemorate the garbage they put on my tv every night, because she felt the material she was working with wasn't up to par this past season. Now I've never watched a whole episode of Grey's, but one need not watch the show to know the old cliche that you don't look a gift horse in the mouth. Hands up: who out there knew Heigl before her turn on Grey's? This chick had a run of made-for-TV movies more impressive than your the average hitting streak. She went seven out of eight-- including the made-for-TV sequel to Romy & Michele's High School Reunion. That's damn impressive. She lands a part on a seemingly strong show, wins a hunk of plastic, ruins an otherwise enjoyable Judd Apatow movie, gets plastered all over dorm-room walls, and is suddenly too good for the show that made her famous. Amazing. Well the folks over at Grey's have never been known to put up with this kind of crap from the show's stars (see Washington, Isaiah). And it turns out Heigl's no exception. Rumour today is that the Grey's folks are going to kill her off next season. Well done, and hats off to you Grey's. You made her, not the other way 'round. P.S. Memo to Major League Baseball, Young children love the Home Run Derby. I understand the allure of prime time, but 9 p.m. ET is too late for this event to start. Parents don't let seven- and eight-year olds stay up that late-- even if it is summer holidays.

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